Young Is the New Old

If you grew up when I did, young adult fiction was a little different. You might remember Judy Blume. Or maybe John Bellairs? The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew really shouldn’t be foreign concepts for the thirty-something set. They may have even been the only hardcover books in YA that some of us had. For […]


When I was twelve years old, a very strange thing happened to me. I had just been retrieved from Camp Roosevelt, a summer camp facility run by the Boy Scouts of America. I was still short for a boy, and I had yet to hit my growth spurt that would turn me into a young […]

Runner’s Toolkit

After much anticipation, the Runner’s Toolkit has finally been released for Shadowrun 4th edition! While I am a fan of the original intellectual property, I found the character creation process for SR4 a little Byzantine for my tastes. Fortunately, the Kit seems to embrace a simpler, faster way of purchasing attribute and skill sets to […]