
So, I’ve been in Vancouver for almost forty-eight hours. My first day was exhausting. I woke up at 2 AM to catch a 5 AM flight, spent nine hours in transit, then proceeded to travel from the airport rail, to a seabus (easy, thanks to Suzanne’s comprehensive instructions) then to the absolute worst Google map walking path I’ve ever received. I managed to make my way into my place (which is really really nice), then down to a Supermarket (I didn’t know there were still IGSa) to buy about a hundred Canadian dollars worth of food. After that, sleep came quickly – about eleven hours of it.

I hit the bricks hard the next day – I met Suzanne, a nearby co-worker, by a local bank, and we walked to get coffee. Suzanne was very, very cool. Spent most of the bus ride and walk to the office talking. Once I got to the office, I spent the better part of the day getting settled into their systems and registering for the various tools being used. My boss, Andrea, seems very nice, but was very busy.

On the ride home, Suzanne played the role of gracious tour guide – I now know where a few neat places (bookstores, thrift stores, drug stores, and Compass kiosks) are, and I have good lay of the land in the immediate area.

I wanted to explore when I got home, but was exhausted. The walk is long to the office and goes uphill in many places. Additionally, where I am in Vancouver’s North Shore is built into a hill as well. Tell you what, I’mma lose some weight here.

In any event, it’s time to grab some lunch and get to the bus. More later, provided I’m not exhausted again.

About the author: Maurice

Maurice Hopkins is an author, illustrator, blogger and part-time columnist for He is easily bribed with publishing offers, experience points, and diabetic-friendly cookies.