So, the pattern I speak of is going to assert itself if I have my druthers. And that pattern is this: I want you to come to my blog every Wednesday. Because every Wednesday in 2015, I plan to have a short story written. This shall be the day each week that I’ll check in with […]
I'm finding my writing needs changing a bit. It's hard to write long format now and I feel like that creative core inside me is atrophying a bit. I need to do something measurably possible in the time I have available to me.
So I think I shall devise a challenge of my own.
You Know What? I don’t think I’m gonna wait for NaNoWriMo this year. The past couple years have been fun, but I gotta say… I participated in it one out of those three years and finished a manuscript. I can cross that off the bucket list. Participation is fun and all, but this year I’ve decided […]
My largest creative problem I fear is my utter inability to focus on one damn thing. My attention span is narrow. I can blame it on whatever I like. Perhaps my upbringing in front of the boob tube has something to do with it. Maybe it’s my neurochemistry. Maybe it’s the fact that I live […]
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