Is This Still On?

Holy hell. Okay, let me explain. I am not dead. It’s been over two years since I was last on this thing. Things are different. Very different. Better? Some. But very different. I intend to come back to this thing a bit more often, as well as the sister site to Ossua, I cannot […]

Apocalypse Arcade

I remembered an old gem from the 2014 Writing Challenge I tasked myself with to increase my writing output. Since it makes a good tie-in with Project Retro (more on that in further posts) I thought I'd repost it here. Perhaps it will entertain others who are similarly housebound while we wait for whatever comes next. It's been edited and polished a little since then, and I feel like it's good enough to share.

So, welcome to Apocalypse Arcade. I hope you enjoy it.