New Excerpt

I started writing out a short story idea today and it grew into about 2,000 words. Not a bad start. You can check out a little snippet on the Excerpt Page. The story will be called Memory Market (working title). I really like it so far and hope you enjoy the excerpt. Consider it an […]

The Holiday Spirit

Always fun to run into a Scrooge during the holidays. My dayjob certainly guarantees running into several in the course of a day. Businesses are always looking for a way to save a buck, and when your customers are businesses it guarantees running into less than charitable behavior during a season of tolerance and forbearance. […]

The New Demonology

It’s no news to anyone who spends even a little bit of time learning how to use Linux that parallels can be drawn between working in shell and demonology. You have to know exactly what you’re calling, you have to know what names to use, you have to be in the right place to get […]