I spent a good amount of time tonight trying to make this portion of a chapter a bit cleaner. It is mostly exposition – but I’ve not felt a way to introduce Kwon and his home in the Slums yet. Perhaps I’ll hack it up into an encounter. The whole ‘show rather than tell’ route. Regardless, […]
Sometimes I find myself exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m not a professional photographer. But, I’m told I do good work in the moment. I lend it to two factors – basic composition, and being in the right place at the right time. I love modern smartphones. I don’t carry expensive cameras any longer. […]
I wrestle with my spirituality daily. I don’t know if I’m unique in this or not. I know I had a fairly common upbringing when it comes to faith in America. I grew up Christian, specifically Lutheran. We went to a church that was right up the road. We could walk there if we were […]
The apartment has been thoroughly purged. The last of the big push is over. I have a few remaining boxes to be hauled to the dumpster and then I think I’m done. Now, I can see things a little differently. I am not used to a feeling of accomplishment after completing a task like this. […]
The chains of apathy were broken recently. It’s really easy for me to come home, get comfortable, and slide into complacency. For me to just sit on the couch, bring up my Netflix queue and disappear into back to back episodes of House of Cards. Sometimes it’s not Netflix. Sometimes it’s worse. The XBox and […]
Creativity for me is really defined by people. By watching other people I unlock my creativity and channel it. Stories don’t come from any one person’s state of mind, from one ideology, from one place. Within every person are the ingredients I need to make my stories. Nothing exists in a vacuum. I can only […]
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