Purged and Running

The apartment has been thoroughly purged. The last of the big push is over.  I have a few remaining boxes to be hauled to the dumpster and then I think I’m done.

Now, I can see things a little differently. I am not used to a feeling of accomplishment after completing a task like this. This time though I have a feeling like I’m in control of the space. I’ve regained two desks – the one I write at, and the one I draw at. Both are easy to access and appointed well enough to work at them. I managed to produce both a decent drawing of the City of Ygg and to edit seven whole chapters of 2012’s NaNo project. If it continues I may be well on the way through to an ending to Parked if this keeps up.

It’s even managed to hold up versus a small gathering of people! Had full on kitchen madness and still managed to keep things relatively clean. I can still see the dining room table and all of my music is now ready to be sorted and either packed away in storage or sold to the nearby used book store.

Let’s see how long this can run. Because I’m starting to like what I see around here.

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