
I made a big deal last week about a creative schedule, and, you might have noticed there was a distinct diversion. “Maurice,” you might say. “You owe me a blog post! Two even!” And, you’d be correct. I do. But, I promise you I have the best reason ever:

I got married!


Yes! After four years together, my wife and I tied the knot last Thursday. We’ve been out and about our stomping grounds in celebration with our families. I didn’t exactly have the time for updates and blog type things. Because… married!

We are both very excited to be starting this new chapter in our lives and will be settling into our new roles as husband and wife.

And now, for a couple of details for our friends and family…

We held a private ceremony at the courthouse to make our wedding as low pressure as possible for both of us. We’ve wanted to get married for the past two years – money and anxiety shouldn’t have to stand in the way of two people marrying each other. My wife isn’t huge on being the center of social attention for hours at a time. We both didn’t want to face the debt of a large to-do. This was ultimately the best way we could think for both of us to get married without indebting ourselves or making either of us feel weird.

The only people informed were either blood relatives or among a handful of people who were asked two years ago to be in a traditional ceremony being planned at that time. The wedding was attended by four people: my mother, my father, my wife’s mother, and my wife’s sister. Both my father and my wife’s sister served as witnesses. This was as large an attendance as we wanted for the day itself in the name of fairness to one another – two people each, all of whom were blood.

As a message to our friends: you are special and we want to celebrate with you in person. We are planning for a low-key social to do… eventually. We’re not sure what or when. It may be a BBQ this summer, it may be a renewal of vows in a year or two with some airs of ceremony. I have no doubt we’ll be making the rounds as well in the weeks and/or months to come. When such an event comes due, no one owes us anything for the wedding. The grace of your presence is gift enough for both of us should you choose to attend.

If the circumstance of our marriage leaves you feeling snubbed, left out, or cheated, know that we in no way meant to offend, shock, or disappoint. This was not meant as a personal affront to any of our friends. A lottery win wasn’t going to happen to fund something traditional, nor was a loan. No one’s feelings were going to change about six hours of all eyes being on us. We just wanted to get married without crushing debt, unnecessary stress, or leaning towards tradition just because it’s what people expect.

To our friends and family: we loved you before the wedding, we love you now that we’re married, and we’ll love you in the future. We did what was right for our marriage to be realized. We stand by it as we move into the rest of our lives together with all of you.

We look very much forward to our life together, and we’re excited to see where the adventure of marriage takes us!

About the author: Maurice

Maurice Hopkins is an author, illustrator, blogger and part-time columnist for He is easily bribed with publishing offers, experience points, and diabetic-friendly cookies.