Well, here I am at the other end of my vacation. I didn’t go anywhere, didn’t really do anything big. It was staycation. The girlfriend and I simply had a moment to sitdown, generally ignore our calorie counts within reason, and binge watch the entirety of season two of ‘The Following’ on Netflix.

Naturally, it was everything I hoped it could be.
I even got some more writing done on Occupancy (yes I slightly changed the working title) and broke the 7K word mark. It has been a while since I put focused dedication into a story I’m afraid, but I’m feeling the creative juices flowing again, and by that benchmark alone, I declare staycation a rousing success.
On the less successful side of things, I’ve sent my PS4 in for repairs where the hardworking repair unit in Indiana will send me out a refurbished unit with my hard drive in it. It seemed to have the chronic disc ejection problem I hear so much about. While it certainly sucks to be without it (especially when I could be playing The Evil Within on it) at least it’s still under warranty given all units are still under warranty for at least the next couple days.
I succeeded not at all in terms of reading. The girlfriend and I wanted to have a single day dedicated to just reading on staycation, and while I managed to buy an obscene amount of new-to-me reading material, I didn’t get through a single book save for a single graphic novel which has now become my new favorite thing ever, Atomic Robo. Which you should read. Now.
Go on. I’ll wait.
Needless to say, I’ll be buying a whole bunch more of the next volumes and reading through them with great speed.
Apart from that, not a lot of news to post. Not even traffic was all that exciting.

And I gotta say, I’m okay with that.