Vancouver Bound

So, in recent news many things have started happening – but mostly it’s due to one particularly big event. I’m working again! I’ve signed on with a new company that is based out of Vancouver and Seattle. I’ll be heading out that way for training for a couple of weeks before returning home to my […]

True Stories

I was twenty four. A group of good friends of mine had invted me to join them to go to Cape Henlopen State Park to enjoy some nice weather. We packed up beach chairs, towels, sunscreen (which I should have used more of), portable stereos, and a ton of snacks and drinks. We took a […]

Where I Am

I know this looks bad, to quote Matt Fraction. It’s 2:40 in the morning as I start this post. It’s Tuesday. I’m up in the middle of the goddamn night on a Tuesday. A work day. Two weeks ago, I’d have been beside myself. I woke up at six thirty on most days. Four and […]

A Few Changes

Hi all, you may note some changes to the blog. Some of the older image links are broken, but the database content and featured images are all still running smoothly. I’ve been moving the blog between hosts and doing some cleaning due to recent life events. I’m also pleased to say that I’ll be doubling […]